Original value | 00023456.78 |
With commas inserted | 00,023,456.78 |
Plus zero suppression | 23,456.78 |
Plus floating currency symbol | $23,456.78 |
With anti-fraud printing | $***23,456.78 |
Simple insertion
Special insertion
Fixed insertion
Floating insertion
Zero suppression and replacement with asterisks
Zero suppression and replacement with spaces
The type of editing allowed for an item depends on its data category. The type of editing that is valid for each category is shown in the following table. cs indicates any valid currency symbol.
Data category | Type of editing | Insertion symbol |
Alphabetic | None | None |
Numeric | None | None |
Numeric-edited | Simple insertion Special insertion Fixed insertion Floating insertion Zero suppression Replacement | B 0 / , . cs + - CR DB cs + - Z * Z * + - cs |
Alphanumeric | None | None |
Alphanumeric-edited | Simple insertion | B 0 / |
DBCS | Simple insertion | B |
External floating-point | Special insertion | . |
National | None | None |
National-edited | Simple insertion | B 0 / |
Simple insertion editing.
Special insertion editing
Fixed insertion editing.
Floating insertion editing.
Zero suppression and replacement editing.
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