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JCL - Utility Programs

Data set utilities:

Data set utilities reorganize, change, or compare data at the data set or record level. These programs are widely used in batch jobs.

Utility programs are pre-written programs, widely used in mainframes by system programmers and application developers to achieve day-to-day requirements, organising and maintaining data.

A few of them are listed below with their functionality:
  1. IEFBR14- The utility program IEFBR14 performs no action other than return a completion code of 0; however, "running" this utility invokes other system components that perform useful tasks.

  2. IDCAMS- Although it provides other functions, IDCAMS, which is the program name for access method services, is used primarily to define and manage VSAM data sets and integrated catalog facility catalogs.

  3. IEBCOPY- IEBCOPY is a data set utility that is used to copy or merge members between one or more partitioned data sets, or partitioned data sets extended (PDSEs), in full or in part.

  4. IEBDG- The IEBDG utility provides a pattern of test data to be used as a programming debugging aid. This pattern of data can then be analyzed quickly for predictable results.

  5. IEBGENER- The IEBGENER utility is a copy program that has been part of the operating system since the first release of OS/360. One of its many uses is to copy a sequential data set, a member of a partitioned data set (PDS) or PDSE, or a z/OS UNIX System Services (z/OS UNIX) file such as a HFS file.

  6. IEBUPDTE- The IEBUPDTE utility creates multiple members in a partitioned data set, or updates records within a member. While it can be used for other types of records, its main use is to create or maintain JCL procedure libraries or assembler macro libraries.

System utilities:

System utility programs are used to list or change information that is related to data sets and volumes, such as data set names, catalog entries, and volume labels. Most functions that system utility programs can perform are performed more efficiently with other programs, such as IDCAMS, ISMF, or DFSMSrmm

  1. ICKDSF - Install and manage DASD volumes

    The ICKDSF utility performs functions needed for the installation, use, and maintenance of IBM® direct-access storage devices (DASD). You also can use it to perform service functions, error detection, and media maintenance.

  2. IEHINITT - Initialize tape devices

    IEHINITT is a system utility used to place standard volume label sets onto any number of magnetic tapes mounted on one or more tape units. Many larger z/OS installations do not allow unlabeled tapes to be brought into the installation.

  3. IEHLIST - List system data

    IEHLIST is a system utility used to list entries in the directory of one or more partitioned data sets or PDSEs, or entries in an indexed or non-indexed volume table of contents (VTOC).

  4. IEHPROGM - Manage catalogs and data sets

    The IEHPROGM utility is used primarily to manage catalogs, rename data sets, and delete data sets. Most of the IEHPROGM functions are available through access method services (the IDCAMS utility), which is now the preferred utility for catalog and data set functions.

  5. SPZAP (a.k.a. Superzap) - Dynamically update programs or data

    The SPZAP service aid has several aliases, including AMASPZAP and Superzap, the latter being the most commonly used. SPZAP allows you to patch or fix volume table of contents (VTOCs), executable programs, or almost any other disk record. In practice, it is used most frequently to patch executable programs.

We explanied some of the important utilities in next chapter...

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