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Invoking Skeletons From Rexx

Invoking Skeletons:

Once the skeletons are generated, they can be tailored and the tailored output can be stored in a dataset.

The following allocations are needed before invoking skeletons from REXX for file-tailoring.

  • Skeleton should be placed in a partitioned dataset as a member and the PDS should be allocated to DDname ISPLIB as follows:


    Skel-Dataset denotes the PDS in which skeleton is stored as a member.

  • The tailored output can be stored in a sequential dataset or as a member in partitioned dataset. This output dataset should be allocated to DDname ISPFILE as follows:

        “ISPEXEC LIBDEF ISPSLIB DATASET ID('Result-dataset')”

    Result-Dataset denotes the PDS in which skeleton is stored as a member.

If you have any doubts or queries related to this chapter, get them clarified from our Mainframe experts on ibmmainframer Community!

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