ISPF/PDF macros may contain entries that may be a command, an assignment statement or either. The column 'Type' indicates which way a particular macro command may be used; c = command only, a = assignment statement only, or c/a = either.
Macro | Type | Description |
AUTOLIST | c/a | set or obtain current autolist mode |
AUTONUM | c/a | set or obtain current autonum mode |
AUTOSAVE | c/a | set or obtain current autosave mode |
BLKSIZE | a | obtain blocksize of current data set |
BOUNDS | c/a | set or obtain left and right boundary columns |
BUILTIN | c | execute a built-in edit command |
CANCEL | c | end an edit session without saving latest changes |
CAPS | c/a | set or obtain current caps mode |
CHANGE | c | search for a string and change it to another string |
CHANGE_COUNTS | a | obtain number of changed strings |
COPY | c | copy a PDS member or data set into current data |
CREATE | c | create a new PDS member from the current data |
CTL_LIBRARY | a | obtain LMF library lock status |
CURSOR | c/a | set or obtain current cursor position |
DATA_CHANGED | a | obtain current status of changed data |
DATA_WIDTH | a | obtain logical data width |
DATAID | a | obtain data ID for current data set |
DATASET | a | obtain current data set name |
DEFINE | c | define a session-only macro command, program or alias |
DELETE | c | delete selected lines from current data set |
DISPLAY_COLS | a | obtain column numbers of displayed data |
DISPLAY_LINES | a | obtain top and bottom line numbers of displayed data |
DOWN | c | scroll down a variable line amount |
EDIT | c | invoke another edit session |
END | c | end the current edit session, saving the data |
EXCLUDE | c | exclude selected lines from the display |
EXCLUDE_COUNTS | a | obtain line counts from last EXCLUDE command |
FIND | a | find a search string in any or selected display lines |
FIND_COUNTS | a | obtain line counts from last FIND command |
FLOW_COUNTS | a | obtain line counts from last TFLOW command |
HEX | c/a | set or obtain hexadecimal display mode |
IMACRO | c/a | set or obtain the initial edit macro |
INSERT | c | create one or more blank lines for new data |
LABEL | c/a | set or obtain a line label |
LEFT | c | scroll display data to the left |
LEVEL | c/a | set or obtain library member modification level |
LINE | a | set or obtain line data values |
LINE_AFTER | a | add a specific-data line after indicated line |
LINE_BEFORE | a | add a specific-data line before indicated line |
LINENUM | a | obtain current line number of a given label |
LOCATE | c | locate a specific data line |
LRECL | a | obtain the logical record length |
MACRO | c | identify a command as a macro |
MACRO_LEVEL | a | obtain current macro nesting level |
MASKLINE | a | set or obtain mask line value |
MEMBER | a | obtain the current member name |
MEND | c | end a batch macro in MVS/370 environment |
MODEL | c | copy a development model into the current data |
MOVE | c | move a library member into the current data |
NONUMBER | c | turn off number mode of the current data |
NOTES | c/a | set or obtain the current note mode |
NULLS | c/a | set or obtain the current nulls mode |
NUMBER | c/a | set or obtain the current number mode |
PACK | c/a | set or obtain the current pack mode |
PROCESS | c | process input line commands and changes |
PROFILE | c/a | define, switch, lock, unlock and display edit profile |
RANGE_CMD | a | identify an entered key command |
RCHANGE | c | repeatedly process the most recent CHANGE request |
RECFM | a | obtain the current data record format |
RECOVERY | c/a | set or obtain the edit recovery mode |
RENUM | c | turn on number mode and renumber all data lines |
REPLACE | c | replace a data set member |
RESET | c | reset the line command area |
RFIND | c | repeat a find of a search string |
RIGHT | c | scroll the data to the right |
RMACRO | c/a | set or obtain current recovery macro name |
SAVE | c | save the current data into a data set |
SCAN | c/a | set or obtain the current scan mode setting |
SEEK | c | seek a data string and place cursor on that line |
SEEK_COUNTS | a | obtain counts from last SEEK command |
SHIFT ( | c | shift all columns to the left |
SHIFT ) | c | shift all columns to the right |
SHIFT < | c | shift program statements to the left |
SHIFT > | c | shift program statements to the right |
SORT | c | sort data into a indicated order |
STATS | c/a | set or obtain PDS member statistics |
SUBMIT | c | submit data to run as a batch job |
TABS | c/a | set or obtain the tabs mode and define tab character |
TABSLINE | a | set or obtain the tabs line |
TENTER | c | set text entry mode for multi-line "power typing" |
TFLOW | c | text flow a paragraph to restructure fragmented pieces |
TSPLIT | c | text split a line, moving some data to the next line |
UNNUMBER | c | remove sequence numbers and set number mode off |
UP | c | scroll up through the data a specified amount |
USER_STATE | A | save and restore the user status of the edit display |
VERSION | c/a | set or obtain the ISPF library member version number |
XSTATUS | A | set or obtain a lines exclude status |
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