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Search-For Utility

Search-For Utility Option:

This option is used to search for a particular string in a dataset or members of a PDS. For example, if you want to know the list of programs that call a particular sub-program, say a currency conversion routine, you can use this utility to search for the sub-program name in the library where all the main programs are stored.

Give a look into the fields on this panel. Search String – Enter the string that you want to search in this field.

If you want to search for more than one string in the same dataset, check the 'Specify additional search strings' with a slash (/). This will take you to another panel where you can specify additional strings. Enclose the string in single quotes if the string has embedded spaces. The Search utility is case-Insensitive.

The search string can optionally be followed by one of the following keywords:

  • WORD: Lists 'full word' occurrences of the string.

  • PREFIX: Lists only if the string is a prefix to a word.

  • SUFFIX: Lists only if the string is a suffix to a word.

Some valid examples for the search strings are given as follows:

  • find "me": Lists all occurrences of the string "find m".

  • "mis" prefix: Lists all words with the prefix "mis" in the dataset.

  • X"7b00": Lists the occurrences of the hex value "7b00". Change the profile to "HEX ON" for the listing dataset to make any sense.

If you have any doubts or queries related to this chapter, get them clarified from our Mainframe experts on ibmmainframer Community!

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