First, you have to install Emulator software on your computer. Emulator software which will duplicate the functionalities of IBM Mainframe computer Terminal(i.e. Screen through which you can feed your input or you can see the output) on Windows PC Terminal. It is basically a software which emulates the functionality of Mainframe on Windows.
Frequently used emulators are - Vista TN3270, IBM PCOMM, Host Explorer.
After successfull installation of emulator, you have do the initial setup. Once it is done. you will able to see logon screen(intial screen) something similar as below.
Now time to enter the logon command "TSO userd". User id is your RACF ID.
Depends on the system installation you have to enter the logon command either on top of the screen or bottom of the screen.
Once you entered the logon command with userid(for example - RACFID is userid), Then Press Enter.
New screen will open and asking you to provide the password.
Type the password in Password field and Press Enter.
If password is incorrect, You will be asked agian to type the password.
Give a brief look into the fields in the above screen. Optional parameters are mentioned as (O):
UserID: The UserID should be specified here. The system fills this field with the information that is specified in the logon screen.
Password: The user password has to be specified here. If you try to logon more than two times by giving an incorrect password, then the system will revoke your USERID.
New Password (O): The TSO password has to be changed periodically, depending on the duration set for that. When your password expires, the system will prompt you to enter your new password here. However, the system will not ask you to confirm or verify your new password. A few days before it is due to expire; the system will alert you to the fact that your password will expire.
Procedure: The name of the procedure that will be executed to invoke TSO. IKJEFT01 is the name of the program that is executed to create a TSO environment. Usually IKJPROC or IKJTSO is the name of the procedure that is run to invoke TSO. However, this may vary with installations.
Group-ID (O): Indicates the RACF Group ID
Account: The users account should be entered here
Size (O): This specifies the upper limit on the size of the region. If a value is not specified in this field, then the value as specified during installation is used.
Perform (O): A number from 1 to 999, indicating the performance group for that session.
Command (O): The command that is given here will be executed immediately after you logon to the system. It is used to perform some initialization procedures and to concatenate some data sets to be used by the session.
Nomail (O): Messages queued on the Broadcast data set for that user is not to be transmitted to the terminal during logon processing.
Nonotice (O): Messages queued on the Broadcast data set for all users are not to be transmitted to the terminal during logon processing.
Reconnect (O): Specifies that a disconnected TSO session is to be reconnected
Oidcard (O): Valid only for RACF defined users. Specifying this option during Logon will cause the user to be prompted for an Operator Identification Card, even if the OIDCard is not required.
Valid information in the preceding fields takes you to the ISPF/PDF facility, which is the maximum used facility for application development and other dataset utilities on the MVS operating system.
If you have any doubts or queries related to this chapter, get them clarified from our Mainframe experts on ibmmainframer Community!