41. What is IDCAMS? and what is the purpose of it? |
IDCAMS is an access method services utility used for creating, deleting,altering VSAM files and copying sequential file to a VSAM file, etc. |
42. How to delete a member using JCL. |
Using IDCAMS a member can be deleted. DELETE 'XXX.YYY(member) |
43. What is the Difference between LDS & ESDS ? |
These two datesets are VSAM datasets. ESDS maintains control information.But LDS does not maintains the control information. |
44. Is a delete operation possible in an ESDS? |
No delete operation is not possible in VSAM ESDS. |
45. Is rewrite operation possible in ESDS? |
Yes rewrite operation is possible in an ESDS. |
46. What is an alternet index and path? |
An alternet index is an another way of accessing key sequenced data record stored in a base cluster and path is the linkage which connect alternet index to its base cluster. |
47. How many buffers are alloted to VSAM KSDS and ESDS? |
Data buffers by default for ESDS.for KSDS it allots 2 data buffers and 1 index buffers. each buffer is about 4k. |
48. What's the biggest disadvantage of using a VSAM dataset? |
49. What's the device independent method to indicate where a Record is Stored? |
By USING RBA(Relative Byte Address). |
50. How many times secondary space allocated? |
122 TIMES |
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